Frank Ernest Beresford | Harold Gresley | John Piper | Thomas Issaac Shore |
Douglas Percy Bliss | Llewelyn Jewitt | Henry Moore | Ernest Townsend |
Francis Legatt Chantrey | Laura Knight | Louisa Raynor | George Turner |
Cuthbert Gresley | Louis Lagerre | Thomas Smith | Joseph Wright |
Frank Gresley |
Jane Austen | Daniel Defoe | D H Lawrence | Osbert Sitwell |
Charlotte Bronte | George Eliot | Crichton Porteous | Sacheverel Sitwell |
Charles Cotton | Gerard Manley Hopkins | Jean-Jacques Rousseau | Alison Uttley |
Richmal Crompton | Llewellyn Jewitt | John Ruskin | Izaac Walton |
Roald Dahl | Samuel Johnson | Edith Sitwell |
Richard Arkwright | Timothy Dalton | Richard Keene | Jason Statham |
Richard Arkwright jnr | Erasmus Darwin | Ellen MacArthur | George Stephenson |
Anthony Babington | Joe Davis | Hilary Mantel | Henry Isaac Stevens |
Charles Wooley Bage | Evans Dynasty | Robert Lindsay | Jebediah Strutt |
Sat Bains | Peter Fidler | Florence Nightingale | William Strutt |
Robert Bakewell | John Flamstead | Peter Nightingale | Charles Edward Stuart |
Thomas Bateman | Samuel Fox | Benjamin Outram | Matthew Walker |
Joseph Borne | Elizabeth Hardwick | Joseph Paxton | Izaac Walton |
Catherine Booth | Thomas Hobbes | Joseph Pickford | Robert Watchorn |
Henry Cavendish | Tom Hulatt | Henry Royce | Vivienne Westwood |
Thomas Cook | John Hurt | Mary Queen of Scots | John Whitehurst |
Curzon | Samuel Johnson | Samuel Slater | Joseph Whitworth |
Edward and James Dakeyne | Stanislaw Jozefiak | Herbert Spencer | Dr. Antonio Nicholau Da Silva |